Hospitality and Catering
Hotels & Guest Houses - If you own a hospitality establishment such as a hotel, hostel or a guest house, keeping high standards to keep the business thriving is a never-ending challenge. From cleaning guestrooms, serving meals, to maintaining the premises, employees are exposed to certain situations that can put them at risk. The most common injuries often occur from sprains and repetitive work, but employees can also experience risks related to slips and falls, indoor air quality, violence, pathogens such as legionella and chemical exposure amongst others.
Restaurants, Cafeterias, Bars - The consequences of poor health and safety practices in catering establishments, such as restaurants, bars, wine bars, night clubs, cafeterias or take away outlets, are often overlooked and may lead to life-changing injuries and illnesses. Health hazards can include slips, trips and falls due to slippery or obstructed walking surfaces, cuts and abrasions to hands from handling kitchen utensils, burns from cooking equipment and hot plates, loss of fingertips or entire fingers from meat slicers and workplace violence from other employees or customers.
Let us help you!
We can assist you in planning a comprehensive health and management system through a tailor-made risk assessment specific to your business. A detailed risk assessment will point out all the possible hazards that your employees or clients may encounter at your premises. Besides adhering to the local legislation, this will ensure the health and safety of all your workers and clients or visitors at your premises. Neglecting health and safety aspects may lead to financial losses, from paying for employees’ sick leave to possible lawsuits from disgruntled clients.
Services Offered
Generic Risk Assessment
Specific Risk Assessment
Young Person Risk Assessment
Pregnant Worker Risk Assessment
COVID-19 Risk Assessment
Manual Handling Risk Assessment
Fire Risk Assessment
Organising the Health and Safety File
Fire Evacuation Procedure Guidance
Bomb Threat Evacuation Procedure Guidance
Fire Drill Reports